The 2024 Vermont Inspiration Guide is Now Available, Celebrating Local Businesses and Green Getaways

The 2024 Vermont Inspiration Guide is Now Available, Celebrating Local Businesses and Green Getaways
The Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM) have announced the release of the annual Vermont Inspiration Guide. The Vermont Chamber produces the Inspiration Guide in partnership with VDTM each year. Print copies of the 2024/25 edition are set to be distributed to key points of interest in Vermont’s drive market to amplify Vermont businesses and inspire travel. In 2023, visitor spending contributed $3.0 billion to Vermont’s economy.
The Inspiration Guide is displayed throughout Vermont in Welcome and Information Centers as well as lodging properties and tourism hubs. It is also displayed at key retail outlets, airports and travel hubs in New England and New York as well as consumer shows and events throughout the United States and Canada. It is available by request through mail worldwide. The Inspiration Guide is part of the Vermont Tourism Marketing Program, which leverages dynamic print and digital products to promote businesses to the 80 million people within a day’s drive of Vermont. The suite of products and services are the official fulfillment pieces for the State of Vermont.
Vermont’s local communities, businesses, and attractions create the fabric that makes up the Vermont brand. The editorial mission of the Inspiration Guide is to tell the story of Vermont through compelling, authentic content that inspires visitors. The Inspiration Guide amplifies business stories and the Vermont brand experience to the destination marketplace.
In addition to articles celebrating each of Vermont’s unique regions, the 2024/25 edition of the Inspiration Guide highlights Vermont’s commitment to destination stewardship and sustainable travel with articles on “green getaways,” a guide to hiking responsibly, and more.
The transformative power of experiences and how they contribute to the well-being of visitors is further underscored in the reoccurring “Love Where You Live” section, which features Izzy Johnson of Color the Valley, LLC (CTV), a Queer, BIPOC, and Women-Owned outdoor guiding company based in Burlington, Vermont. CTV specializes in bikepacking, backpacking, and hiking trips with an emphasis on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), and Queer communities.
Individuals, businesses, and organizations can obtain print copies of the 2024/25 Vermont Inspiration Guide, by visiting

Landmark Act 250 Modernization Bill Becomes Law

Landmark Act 250 Modernization Bill Becomes Law

Lawmakers voted to override the Governor’s veto of H.687, marking the final passage of the historic compromise that has been a monumental undertaking for policymakers and stakeholders this session. The successful passage of the bill will immediately exempt the building of housing units across Vermont, which is a top priority for the Vermont business community. The Vermont Chamber has been engaged on this bill throughout the session to secure this crucial provision, among others.

There will be an opportunity to address the areas of concern that led to the Governor’s veto decision in the next biennium. In the meantime, the passage of this bill marks an important step forward to achieving common goals. Act 250 exemptions for housing will start immediately and a location-based jurisdiction approach will see full exemptions in smart growth areas soon. No single piece of legislation will absolve the housing crisis that has been generations in the making and more work needs to be done to find solutions that get at the root of the problem. The Vermont Chamber remains committed to working with legislators and the Governor’s administration in the years ahead on further policy solutions for Vermonters. 

Senators Listen to Vermont Businesses, Uphold Veto on Data Privacy

Senators Listen to Vermont Businesses, Uphold Veto on Data Privacy

Business voices played a crucial role in ensuring an extreme data privacy bill, in its current form, did not become law. While businesses support comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation, H.121 was rife with provisions that lacked clarity and would have unintended consequences for businesses, consumers, and the Vermont economy. The Governor and Senators listened to their constituent businesses on this issue and voted accordingly so an improved bill can be passed in the next biennium.

Earlier this session, when Vermont businesses tried to provide input during the policymaking process, they were dismissed by some politicians as misinformed or as being influenced by big tech. However, a bipartisan group of fifteen Senators decisively rejected that misleading narrative and voted to uphold the veto, deciding to pump the breaks and return to the drawing board. See how your Senators voted, here and how your Representatives voted, here. On the floor, Senator Christopher Bray (D-Addison) stated, “The uniformity of the concerns that I heard from the business community made me re-read and ask questions…there is so much uncertainty in [H.121] that it has Vermont businesses deeply concerned about the consequences of enactment… there is wisdom in pausing when you find that the work you have done, no matter how well intention, may have negative consequences.” Senator Ann Cummings (D-Washington), who also voted to uphold the veto, stated, “We need to make sure the business community supports this… We need to make sure we get this right because it is a very serious issue.”

The outpouring of feedback from Vermont businesses in recent weeks no doubt played a key role in securing this result. The successful veto of H.121 means that a more balanced bill can now be crafted in a future session. The Vermont Chamber is committed to working with legislators in the next biennium to pass an improved bill that aligns with neighboring states via a process that respects all voices at the table.

Well-Intentioned Data Privacy Bill Misses the Mark

Senate Economic Development Passes Strong Data Privacy Bill

H.121, a data privacy bill passed by the legislature and vetoed by Governor Scott, is a well-intentioned attempt to protect consumers’ personal data that misses the mark. In its current form, this bill will create major problems for Vermont’s businesses, consumers, and economy. Our organizations strongly support comprehensive data privacy legislation, but H.121 goes far beyond the measures adopted in neighboring states like Connecticut and New Hampshire, which we support as workable models. H.121 goes far beyond these measures and would make it harder for businesses to serve their Vermont customers than to serve those in other states. 

Unfortunately, when Vermont businesses tried to provide input throughout this policy-making process, they were routinely dismissed by some in the legislature as misinformed or as being influenced by big tech. This is an inaccurate characterization. Further, it has had a chilling effect on the ability of Vermont businesses to engage in the legislative process for fear of being villainized and of ramifications for their businesses. 

This bill will put Vermont businesses at a serious disadvantage, making them less competitive than businesses in other states, raising their marketing and compliance costs, and exposing them to potential legal battles. H.121, as passed by the Legislature, is unworkable. It threatens the survival of many local businesses and would put a serious dent in the Vermont economy.

H.121 could also spell the end of loyalty and other programs that many Vermonters benefit from. These programs, like airline miles, hotel and credit card points, multi-mountain ski passes, savings on gasoline, and more, are all at risk. Under the new law, it would be too difficult, expensive, and risky for businesses to continue offering these programs and benefits to Vermonters.

Unfortunately, H.121 is not balanced legislation. Vermont should join our neighboring statesby adopting a comprehensive privacy law that creates regional alignment. This would protect consumers and hold bad actors responsible while helping businesses to comply. H.121 as drafted, does not accomplish this. The 105-page document is rife with provisions that lack clarity and will lead to unintended consequences.

We urge legislators to support Governor Scott’s veto of H.121 and return next year to work on creating a better bill. Vermont can have strong privacy laws that protect consumers without hurting local businesses. Let’s find a solution that works for everyone.


Associated Industries of Vermont

Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce

Heating and Cooling Contractors of Vermont

Vermont Association of Broadcasters

Vermont Chamber of Commerce

Vermont Fuel Dealers Association

Vermont Independent Restaurants

Vermont Retail and Grocers Association

Vermont Ski Areas Association

Vermont Technology Alliance

Vermont Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association

Intern Spotlight: Malachi Shiffer-Delegard 

Intern Spotlight: Malachi Shiffer-Delegard 

Name: Malachi Shiffer-Delegard 

College: Middlebury College 

Field of Study: International Politics and Economics 

Anticipated Graduation: May 2026 

Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota 

What is your Vermont story?  

My Vermont story started when I visited Middlebury College in the fall of my senior year of high school. I first noticed the beauty of the surrounding mountains and felt a profound sense of uniqueness while driving to visit my dream school. At that point in my life, Vermont felt like a utopia, a place where the business of the rest of the world could not reach, inhabited by people who love their state and the natural world around them. Furthermore, the people of Vermont who I met, mostly students, seemed to genuinely love going to college and living in Middlebury. This only deepened my preexisting belief that Vermont was the perfect place to spend the next four years of my life. The night before the admission decisions were released, I could barely sleep, wracked with apprehension about the possibility of being rejected from the perfect school for me. When I was accepted into college in December of 2021, I wished that high school could be over already and that I could immediately move to Vermont. While this wasn’t possible, it made my arrival and subsequent move in period even more exciting and meaningful. Over my first two years as a student, I explored the many mountain hikes, skied extensively, and enjoyed the fall foliage all while being intellectually engaged in a rigorous liberal arts education. When the time came to decide what I wanted to do this summer, the idea of living in Vermont became more and more appealing, and led me to apply to several Vermont based internship programs.  I look forward to spending the summer months here, a season widely considered the most beautiful and pleasant time to experience what Vermont has to offer.  

What drew you to the work of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce/Vermont Futures Project? Why do you think it is important? 

As someone who is studying economics and economic policy, the work of the Chamber and Futures Project closely aligns with what I have been fascinated with over the last two years. While my time at Middlebury has given me a theoretical understanding of policy and economic theory, I always wanted to see how these abstract ideas impacted the people interacting with the economy. Business runs in the family, and getting an opportunity to understand the conditions in which the economy runs smoothly and how best support businesses seemed very aligned with my personal values and ethics. The economy, whether you like it or not dictates a significant portion of your life, as we all depend on each other to provide the goods and services necessary to live a thriving life. The health and correct implementation of economic policies to reach our shared goals is therefore of the utmost importance, and something that I am honored to be a part of. The opportunity to develop my hard skills and interact with a place that I still feel like a visitor in seemed like the best option for me. 

What are you hoping to learn more about during the internship and why? How do you envision this summer experience fitting into your long-term aspirations? 

I have spent most of my time in Vermont on campus or in Addison County, not usually venturing out into the capital region or Chittenden County. Working there with people not from my small corner of Vermont will expand my understanding of the state. I hope my data analysis and communication skills will improve over the summer and hope to learn how to use data-driven arguments to lobby officials and create meaningful resources. I think that this experience will help me learn how to work in an office setting, something that I have little prior experience with. Through learning about Vermont businesses and how they perform best I hope to equip myself with knowledge of how to run my own business one day, whether it be in Vermont or somewhere else.  

Contact Info: 



Intern Spotlight: Cole Siefer 

Intern Spotlight: Cole Siefer 

Name: Cole Siefer 

College: Middlebury College 

Field of Study: Economics  

Anticipated Graduation: May 2025 

Hometown: Concord, Massachusetts 

What is your Vermont story?  

My Vermont story started when I arrived at Middlebury College in the fall of 2021 and quickly fell in love with the state. Middlebury has been the perfect environment for me as a student to learn, grow, and recreate. The college’s intentional and focused learning environment has pushed me to dive deep into my coursework and engage with exciting and challenging ideas. Outside of the classroom, I have forged deep and lasting bonds with my teammates and coaches as a member of the Middlebury College Rugby Club. I have also been involved in student government, helping facilitate student organizations and clubs. The broader community has also welcomed me in. Off campus, I volunteer with my rugby teammates at the Charter House Coalition and attend services regularly at the Congregational Church of Middlebury. This is my second summer in Vermont; I have loved getting to explore and experience all the state’s offerings. I love Vermont because of its unique sense of place and identity and am drawn to Vermont because of its pace of life and focus on community. I have found Vermonters to be exceptionally kind, generous, and welcoming. People here are proud to be from the “brave little state,” and I am proud to be here now. 

What drew you to the work of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce/Vermont Futures Project? Why do you think it is important?  

Vermont has provided me with so much, and I am committed to helping the state grow and develop so others can have the same opportunity. I was specifically drawn to work for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and Vermont Futures Project because the mission of the two organizations aligns with my values and goals. The Vermont Futures Project’s focus on making economic recommendations grounded in data resonates with my passion for using economics as a force for positive change. The Vermont Chamber of Commerce’s role in advocating for businesses and organizations of all sizes in Vermont is also crucial for policy-driven changes in the state. Last summer, I saw firsthand the unique and pressing challenges the Vermont economy faces with the intense rainfall and flooding. The work of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Futures Project positively contribute to a stronger, healthier, and more inclusive Vermont economy moving forward, and I am excited to be a part of it. 

What are you hoping to learn more about during the internship and why? How do you envision this summer experience fitting into your long-term aspirations?  

During the internship, I hope to learn more about the specific issues the Vermont economy is facing. In my economics courses at Middlebury, we have often talked about various  notions of economic growth and development and how those definitions impact real-world policy and outcomes. Consistent with the data-driven recommendations of the Vermont Futures Project and the advocacy efforts of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, I hope to leverage my economics background and liberal arts education to support the robustness and resilience of the Vermont economy for all residents. This summer, I hope to travel more throughout Vermont to explore new areas and meet new people. 

Contact Information: 



Amy Spear Announced as President of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce

Amy Spear Announced as President of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has announced Amy Spear as the incoming President of the organization. Spear was selected from a robust pool of applicants following a six-month search committee process that leveraged the expertise of Burlington-based Hawley Consulting Services. The committee’s recommendation was ratified by the full board at a June 6 meeting.

“I look forward to working with Amy and building on her expertise in chamber operations, government affairs, and strategic planning,” said Tom Dunn, Vermont Chamber of Commerce Board Chair and CEO of VELCO. “With her success advocating for the restaurant and lodging industries in the State House, I am confident she will continue building on the Vermont Chamber’s legacy of business advocacy.”

Spear has been part of the Vermont Chamber leadership team since 2019, serving as the Vice President of Tourism. She was named to the Vermont Rising Stars Class of 2023. Before joining the Vermont Chamber, she was the Executive Director of the Stowe Area Association, Stowe’s destination marketing organization. With over 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector, Spear is a dynamic and results-oriented professional with a proven track record of driving initiatives, engaging diverse stakeholders, and delivering successful outcomes. Committed to organizational excellence, Spear has worked with three chambers in Vermont and is currently earning her Institute for Organization Management designation, a four-year program for association leaders, with an expected graduation date of July 2024. She lives in Killington with her family and is an active community volunteer.

“I am honored to serve in this role, and I am excited to continue working with our talented team,” said Spear. “As incoming President, I am committed to ensuring that the Vermont Chamber continues to focus on its mission to advance the Vermont economy.”

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President is responsible for setting the strategy and tone of the organization ensuring it remains the most influential non-partisan business organization in Vermont. Amy’s tenure will begin on July 1, 2024.

Vermont Tourism Summit Celebrates Industry Excellence and Innovation at 39th Annual Event

Vermont Tourism Summit Celebrates Industry Excellence and Innovation at 39th Annual Event

Outstanding achievements and innovations within Vermont’s tourism and hospitality sectors were honored at the 39th annual Vermont Tourism Summit. Several industry leaders received awards recognizing their outstanding contributions to culinary arts, sustainable practices, community engagement, and the future of tourism in Vermont.

Emerging Tourism and Hospitality Leaders: This recognition celebrates the innovative minds that represent the future of Vermont’s tourism and hospitality industries. These individuals bring fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and a forward-thinking approach to challenges and opportunities. The 2024 honorees:

  • Tom Carton, Strategy and Operations Manager, Hello Burlington
  • Lisa Davis Mitchell, Executive Director, Town Hall Theater Middlebury
  • Nick Edwards, Social Media Manager, Hello Burlington
  • Mollie Faccio, Marketing Brand Manager, Woodstock Inn & Resort

Vermont Hospitality Excellence Award: This award honors a Vermonter who exemplifies exceptional service and excellence in the culinary arts and hospitality; Jeffrey Raymond Virge, Chef, Baker, and Manager at Wayside Restaurant, Bakery, and Creamery. Jeff has been a cornerstone of the Wayside since 1975, providing warm welcomes, cultivating local relationships, and offering farm-fresh dishes. His culinary talents have been nationally recognized on the Discovery Channel’s “Road Trip Show” and in the New York Times, and locally by Seven Days. Under his leadership, the Wayside’s maple cream pie was named “Vermont’s Iconic Pie” by the Food Network. Jeff’s dedication, hard work, and inspiration have made him a culinary gift to Vermont.

Vermont Tourism Leadership Award: Honoring the outstanding achievements of leaders who have significantly contributed to the promotion and enhancement of tourism in Vermont, this year’s recipient is Joe Carton, COO of Westport Hospitality. Joe’s career spans over 40 years, starting in ski industry group sales and leading to the management of multiple high-profile properties, including the state’s first LEED-certified hotel. Joe has been instrumental in establishing numerous initiatives and mentoring countless hospitality professionals. His retirement marks the end of an era, but his legacy will continue to benefit Vermont.

Award recipients were selected by a panel of judges representing the tourism and hospitality industry. Honorees for the 2025 awards will be recognized at the 40th Annual Vermont Tourism Summit which is scheduled for April 28-30, 2025 at Hotel Champlain in Burlington, Vermont. Learn more about the nomination process and award criteria at

Photos courtesy of Bobbi LoCicero. 

Vermont Chamber of Commerce Honors President Betsy Bishop’s 30-Year Impact on the Vermont Economy

Vermont Chamber of Commerce Honors President Betsy Bishop's 30-Year Impact on the Vermont Economy

On May 22, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors convened a celebration in honor of President Betsy Bishop. Generations of Vermonters gathered at the ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain to commemorate her 30-year legacy of leadership and impact on the economic growth of Vermont.

“During Betsy’s 15 years as President, the Vermont Chamber has become the most influential business advocacy organization in the state,” said Tom Dunn, Vermont Chamber of Commerce Board Chair and CEO of VELCO. “She has led the organization with steadfast dedication, strategic vision, and an infectious passion for the Vermont economy.”

Several notable officials delivered remarks, including Governor Jim Douglas, who reflected on Betsy’s earlier career as a member of his cabinet and administration.

“It is an honor to celebrate such an exceptional individual who has dedicated so much to public service,” stated Governor Douglas. “Throughout her career, Betsy has demonstrated a profound commitment to Vermont. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors, and I know she will do great things in her next chapter.”

The evening culminated with a bourbon toast, with 150 attendees raising a glass to Betsy’s legacy and contributions to the success of Vermont. Betsy Bishop announced her departure from the Vermont Chamber in December 2023 and a leadership transition for the organization is set for summer 2024.

“When I reflect on my 30 years of work at the Vermont Chamber and in the State House, it’s been an incredible adventure. So many of the people who shared this path with me are here today,” stated Betsy Bishop. “I’ve been privileged to work alongside all of you. To the doers, the planners, the innovators—thank you for being on this journey with me.”

Notable attendees also included Treasurer Mike Pieciak, Secretary Lindsay Kurrle, and Commissioners Joan Goldstein, Beth Fastiggi, Wendy Knight, Alex Farrell, and Michael Harrington.

Attendees were encouraged to donate to the Vermont Futures Project in honor of Betsy’s tenure and founding of the organization. To capitalize on the foundation of data and research that has been built, the Vermont Futures Project is leading the development of a unified and durable statewide economic plan that is set to be released this summer. 

The success of the event was made possible by the support of Acrisure, The Hartford, Farrell Distributing, Casella Waste Management, Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation, The University of Vermont Health Network, Bloods Catering & Party Rentals, VACEplus Insurance, and the Vermont Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives.

Legislature Adjourns: What Businesses Need to Know

Legislature Adjourns: What Businesses Need to Know

The House and Senate gaveled out on Saturday at 2:07 AM and 1:18 AM respectively, following a tumultuous day of negotiations. Bills will now head to the Governor for his consideration and potential veto. Legislators are then set to return to the State House on June 17 to try and garner the two-thirds vote majority to override his decisions.

Below are the top headlines that you should know:

  • Housing and Act 250 Modernization: Vermont lawmakers and stakeholders have achieved a noteworthy feat: passing substantial reforms that exempt the building of housing units from Act 250 in villages, neighborhoods, and downtowns across the state. The legislation represents a historic compromise that will help reduce regulatory barriers to meet workforce housing needs. Following nearly a year of negotiations, the bill is set to introduce a process to create a tiered location-based approach through extensive community engagement over the next three years. It will tailor the applicability of Act 250 based on a development’s location and environmental sensitivity. It will also establish a professional board to make the Act 250 process more predictable, fair, and timely in every district. The Governor has been critical of the bill throughout the session, but it remains to be seen if he will sign it into law, veto it, or allow it to become law without his signature.
  • Property Taxes: The Vermont House and Senate reached a consensus on the annual property tax bill aimed at funding school districts’ budgets. The bill would increase the average education property tax bill by a crushing 13.8%. Key provisions that brought it down from 18% include utilizing a one-time state budget surplus of $25 million to mitigate property tax rates, introducing a new 3% surcharge tax on short-term rentals, and a $14.7 million tax on internet software access (aka the “cloud tax”). The absence of immediate structural reforms to education financing remains deeply concerning and the establishment of a study committee on the issue does little to temper fears that Vermonters will be facing extreme increases again, next year. All eyes will be on the Legislature in June to see if there are enough votes to sustain the Governor’s likely veto, and if a veto letter will provide further suggestions on how to reduce the double-digit increase before Vermonters receive their tax bills.
  • Data Privacy: In the final hours, Senators walked back their version of a data privacy bill that would have been regionally compatible and removed a private right of action. The Vermont Chamber has consistently advocated for three essential pillars, all of which we have advocated for in other policy proposals as well: regional compatibility, empowering the Attorney General as the sole enforcement authority, and funding small business education and training through trusted in-state technical assistance providers. The bill will now be sent to the Governor for his consideration and, if enacted, it would introduce rigorous and untested regulations impacting businesses of all sizes. While it aims to enhance consumer privacy, a goal supported by the Vermont Chamber, it also presents significant challenges for businesses. It would require substantial adjustments to data management practices that could impact operational efficiency, and leave education and outreach to the Attorney General.
  • Public Safety: To address the statewide uptick in retail theft, a bill passed by the House and Senate amends the penalties associated with various theft thresholds by increasing the penalty per repeat incident. Currently, theft of merchandise valued at less than $900 constitutes a misdemeanor offense, regardless of repeat offenses. The bill, which still awaits a verdict from the Governor, classifies a third offense as a felony if the stolen property falls within the $250 to $900 value range. This would entail substantial fines and potential jail time.
  • FY25 Budget: A conference committee reconciled differences before sending an $8.6 billion state budget to the Governor, who signaled at a press conference he would likely sign the bill, despite a 0.25% increase over his proposed budget.
  • Renewable Energy Standard: The Legislature passed a bill significantly expanding the state’s Renewable Energy Standard, with most retail electricity providers required to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030, and municipal providers by 2035. The bill has estimated cumulative costs to ratepayers ranging between $150 million and $450 million over the period from FY 2025 to FY 2035, with potential incremental electricity rate increases up to 6.7% by FY 2035.
  • Chemical Regulation: A bill banning chemicals such as PFAS, phthalates, formaldehyde, mercury, and lead from various consumer products is headed to the Governor for his consideration. The bill aligns with similar legislation in California, Minnesota, Maine, and Washington.
  • Liquor Liability Insurance: A miscellaneous alcohol bill passed by the Legislature delays the implementation of mandatory liquor liability insurance until July 1, 2026. This essential measure would meet the need for the insurance market to adjust due to increasing premium rates and reduced capacity for insurers to accept risk.
  • Job Advertisement Requirements: A bill mandating the inclusion of a wage range in job advertisements has been sent to the Governor for consideration. If signed, the law will go into effect in 2025 with a mandate for the Attorney General to work with stakeholders on education and outreach.
  • Captive Audience: A bill that limits the ability of a business to communicate with employees, if an employee felt the communication was of a religious or political nature, has passed and will move to the Governor for review.
  • Recovery and Resiliency: A bill that ensures considerations for businesses while enhancing government responses to natural disasters is expected to pass. The Vermont Chamber advocated for businesses to be included in the scope of the bill early in the session.
  • Business Incentives: Several studies and changes to Vermont’s primary business incentive, the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI) program, were considered in the last two years. Ultimately, all that was agreed to was a two-year extension of the programmatic VEGI sunset.