Governor Presents FY25 Budget Focused on Affordability for Vermonters

Governor Phil Scott delivered his eighth budget address to the General Assembly, presenting a $8.6 billion budget across all funds. The budget focuses on strategic investments, maintaining current services, and sustainable growth without imposing new taxes or fees on Vermonters. The Governor emphasized the need for disciplined budgeting, highlighting organic revenue increases as essential for lasting economic growth. Acknowledging affordability, public safety, and housing challenges, he proposed new initiatives to address each.

Despite unexpected obligations, such as FEMA match payments, the Governor stressed the importance of smart, strategic investments showcased during the post-pandemic period. The budget aligns with fiscal reality, prioritizing fundamentals, and includes ongoing workforce, economic, and community development investments. Governor Scott urged lawmakers to work collaboratively on a balanced approach, encouraging middle-ground solutions that address challenges without burdening Vermonters financially.