Concerns Remain That Childcare Bill Will Not Meet Workforce Needs

Concerns Remain That Childcare Bill Will Not Meet Workforce Needs

The House Ways and Means Committee continued to take testimony on childcare legislation that would raise $100 million in taxes to almost double spending for the childcare industry without any assured fixes for the availability, affordability, and dependability of childcare for Vermonter’s workers. While the bill offers relief to the highest and lowest-income Vermonters, the Vermont Chamber remains concerned that the needs of middle-income Vermonters will not be met. The Commissioner of Taxes, Craig Bolio, testified that Vermonters currently pay 13.6% of their income in state and local taxes, which is higher than any other state except New York, Connecticut, and Hawaii. The Commissioner also noted that this year, Vermont taxpayers are expected to pay over $80 million in property tax increases, and the Legislature is considering over $285 million in additional taxes. The combined $365 million tax increase is more than two times the projected General Fund revenue drop from FY23 to FY24.  

A SALT deduction that would save Vermont companies $20 million in federal taxes was added to the bill. This is a measure supported by the Vermont Chamber, but it does not do enough to outweigh the full impacts that middle-income earners and small businesses will feel from these tax impacts. 



House Leadership Restores Essential Provisions in “HOME” Bill

House Leadership Restores Essential Provisions in “HOME” Bill

Successful leadership on housing displayed by the Rural Caucus and Speaker Jill Krowinski culminated with the House Environment & Energy Committee passing an amendment to the HOME bill with a vote of 11-0-0. The amendment incorporates many aspects of the Rural Caucus amendment advocated for by the Vermont Chamber. This includes increasing the Act 250 jurisdictional threshold increase for housing units from 10 to 25 units in downtowns, neighborhood development areas, growth centers, and village centers. With paid family and medical leave off the table this session, the Vermont Chamber is now working to secure any newly available funds for the Revolving Loan Fund to allow employers to invest in housing solutions for their workers. 

While the bill does not meet the full potential of what was originally passed out of the Senate Economic Development, Housing, and General Affairs Committee, the version now up for a vote on the House Floor exceeds the version that was previously passed out of the Senate. Additional amendments to the bill are expected to be debated on the House floor next week and further conversation on Act 250 modernization is set to take place next session. 

Amendments to the bill achieve the following: 

  • Permits the Department of Housing and Community Development to use up to 20% of municipal planning funds to help towns meet neighborhood development area requirements.  
  • Adds a Regional Planning Report that requires the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies to study improving coordination between municipal, regional, and state planning. 
  • Tasks the Natural Resources Board with determining what is required to create a municipal delegation process. 
  • Includes a Rural Recovery Council to strengthen coordination in rural economic development, housing resource navigators to work with local organizations and private developers, and a directive to eliminate redundancies in state permitting requirements. 
  • Returns the number of people who can appeal a municipal zoning permit from 1 to 10.