Formalizing and Funding Relocation Marketing

The House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development took a deeper look at the Administration’s Regional Relocation Network Proposal. The $8.46 million, three-year scope is one of the tools being reviewed by the Legislature to address Vermont’s workforce shortages. The marketing program formalizes and funds existing work, leveraging the regional partnerships developed alongside the Stay-to-Stay Program, which launched in 2019 and dovetails with relocation incentives.

Marketing tactics executed by the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing will be geared towards filling the relocation pipeline with leads via broad awareness messaging and targeted efforts to recruit high-demand professions such as nursing, healthcare, and trades. Regions will be resourced to build capacity and nurture leads by creating systems, community storytelling assets, and connecting people with resources.

The Committee will continue examining the proposal and hear from regional organizations. Workforce recruitment and retention remains a priority for the Vermont Chamber, and many committees are working to solve Vermont’s labor shortage. If you have questions or comments on this proposal or Vermont’s workforce shortage,