Comparing Paid Family Leave Proposals
After Governor Scott vetoed a paid family leave program in 2020, advocates regrouped and brought new proposals, which are now working their way through the committee process. The Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs Committee has been working on a Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program proposal in S.65, which would be administered by the State through a private insurance carrier and provide 12 weeks of paid leave per year for parental leave, caring for a family member, or medical leave. Other proposals include a COVID Worker Relief Fund, which is currently part of the omnibus economic development bill. As of now, there is still no bill language available for this section, no cost estimate, and no explanation of how it will be paid for. The Vermont Chamber believes that the best way to support workers getting back to work is to make critical investments in childcare, which is consistently reported as the top concern for parents and caregivers.