Chittenden Amendment To “HOME” Bill Would Help Legislation Live Up to Its Name Again
Key Senate committees have reached what is being touted as a grand bargain on S.100. However, even following tweaks to attempt to align the priorities of the Senate Economic Development, Housing, and General Affairs Committee with the Senate Natural Resources Committee, the changes made by the latter minimize the effects of measures that would increase workforce housing. The bill now perpetuates the idea that the Vermont quality of life is available, but only within certain parameters. At a time when Vermont’s workforce is dwindling, this is unacceptable. To address this, Senator Thomas Chittenden (Chittenden-Southeast) is offering a crucial amendment that will be considered when the bill comes to the Senate for a vote next week. It’s time for legislators who have committed to addressing housing as the top issue this session to step up and revive this crucial legislation. We encourage businesses to reach out to their Senators to support this critical amendment to build more housing for all and follow through on their commitment to voters.
Without breaking down barriers to development, living and working in Vermont will remain available only to wealthy individuals. Questions remain on how, and if, this bill will meet the demand for workforce housing. Commitments to welcoming new and diverse populations to Vermont are hollow without meaningful policy. The HOME bill stands for “housing opportunities made for everyone.”